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Fertility Diagnostics for AI and IVF
Direct Measurement of Fertility 


FertPlus Antibody flow Assay quantifies the endogenous FertPlus on sperm samples.  The quantity of FertPlus on a sperm determines if the sperm would benefit from exposure to exogenous FertPlus. The graphic indicates control (Low Binding) sperm with FertPlus Exposure (Higher sperm binding) 

Flow cytometer with man.jpg
Serm control and fwertplus.jpg
Direct Biological FertPlus IVF Assay quantifies FertPlus increases in Fertility in IVF applications.  Control sperm and FertPlus exposed sperm are deposited in IVF dishes with multiple Oocytes.  After fertilization, compare In Vitro culture in the control sperm to FertPlus exposed IVF dishes.  In the results below we see that the fertility was increased for all 5 bulls tested.  The highest gain in fertility was Bull A, with an increase from 50% to 68%.
IVF dish.jpg
CSU 5 Bulls IVF.jpg
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